πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸš€ Projects

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LWYD Interactive website

LWYD interactive is a marketing agency based in Bengaluru & Mumbai. 

Technology Stacks :
 TypeScript, Nextjs, Framer Motion, TailwindCSS & Nodemailer to send SMTP forms.

Live Link β†— (opens in a new tab)

Network Scanner

Network Scanner conducts a network scan on a specified target IP address. 
It utilizes the scapy module for crafting and sending packets. 
First, it sends an ICMP echo request (ping) to determine if the target is online. 
If online, it scans common TCP ports using SYN packets and identifies open ports. 
For each port, it sends a TCP SYN packet and waits for a response. 

Github β†— (opens in a new tab)


TypeMaster is an online platform to determine words typed per minute [WPM]. 

Live Link β†— (opens in a new tab)


A web application to determine the Internet speed.

Delivers information regarding :
  - Download speed
  - Upload speed
  - Ping Time

Live Link β†— (opens in a new tab)

Β© Devkant Swargiary.